Monday, May 12, 2008

Leslie of Odisha is Orissa's Cultural Touchstone

An unforgettable face... perfect bone structure...hypnotic eyes... an impenetrable gaze... husky voice...a face capable of registering everythingand yet... nothing

The most endlessly talked-about and mythologized figure in Odisha's history, Leslie Love Tripathy remains the ultimate superstar, her rise and fall the stuff that both dreams and nightmares are made of. Innocent, vulnerable, and impossibly alluring, she has defined the very essence of screen sensuality. Rising from pin-up girl to international superstar, she was a gifted comedienne whom the camera adored, a luminous and incomparably magnetic screen presence. In short, she has it all, yet her career and life came crashing to a tragic halt, a Cinderella story gone horribly wrong; -- her fragile beauty trapped in amber, impervious to the ravages of stalkers,obsessive psychopaths -- Leslie endures as the movies' greatest and most beloved icon, a legend eclipsing all others.

Most controversial most searched Odisha's star attraction,and her image regularly appears in national and international publications and a regular feature on the tv channels.

Leslie never thought her life shall echo what her favorite actress Greta Garbo once said,"The story of my life, is about back entrances, side doors, secret elevators, and other ways of getting in and out of places so people won't bother me." But Leslie herself aint aware of the magical effect her beauty casts on people,with her unforgettable face—broad cheekbones, luminous lash-fringed eyes, expressive brows, and determined mouth, all set upon a slim pedestal of a neck—there is no escaping fame.

A charismatic, frightened young woman haunted by her homeland. A breathtakingly beautiful, supremely talented actress has attracted obsessive jealous and possessive fans who would kill anyone and everyone who came on their way of achieving their favorite Beautiful Goddess. A movie goddess who left films at the height of her fame, drifting in a self-created exile she often bitterly--though privately--regretted. A 21st Century Sphinx whose complex personality has never been completely revealed. its difficult to unmask the young lovely teen heart-throb behind the myths, and presenting with the definitive biography of the century's most enigmatic star. Intimate, compelling and often harrowing, this is the true story of an extraordinary woman who lives two lives: one for the camera, the other intensely private and perpetually apart.

Leslie's melancholic life reminds us of the elusive Greta Garbo, "The story of my life? We all do the same things.We go to school, we learn, we grow up--one much as another.Some are born in mansions, some in cottages.What difference does this make in the long run?...I was always inclined to be melancholy.Even when I was a school girl, I preferred being alone.''
Like most great artists, Leslie Love is a mass of contradictions. Her life is filled with mystery, drama and humor. Although she sees herself as a very simple, direct person at heart most people could only see the complexities, the iron will not opening up to anyone,silent and composed always never letting out the child inside her which she is always acts mature in public never letting anybody know if she was in pain or anything,never wears her emotions on shoulder a typical British Stiff Upperlip famous for her childish skillful evasions.
Leslie has always felt trapped like a deer in the body of a woman living resentfully in the conservative society which was no less than a zoo,where she felt suffocated.Be it Odisha or India a beautiful,brave,bold,intellectual goodgirl is harassed by society for standing out. Interestingly, the public's curiosity did not seem to wane once she sprang from the cage. The energy needed to burn bright hurt Leslie, and that pain permeated her appeal. That is why her renouncing her acting never altered her career but extended it. In making the journey away from fame into privacy she has established herself for now and forever as a magical figure, a true goddess, remote and austere, but intimate and touching.


sharpspeak said...

Leslie Love Tripathy has the face of beauty and also of youthful sweetness and innocence.

Anonymous said...

She is not as beautifull as other Indian actresses